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5 Do’s and Don’ts for Getting a UAE Visit Visa for Pakistanis

Applying for a UAE visit visa can be a straightforward process if you know the right steps to follow. As a leading consultancy firm, Alrehaf International in Islamabad, we have extensive experience in helping Pakistani citizens successfully obtain their UAE visit visas. Here are five essential do’s and don’ts to keep in mind during your application process.


1. Ensure Accurate Documentation

One of the most critical aspects of the visa application is providing accurate and complete documentation. This includes:

  • A valid Pakistani passport with at least six months’ validity.
  • Recent passport-sized photographs with a white background.
  • A copy of your CNIC.
  • Confirmed return air ticket.
  • Proof of accommodation in the UAE (hotel booking or invitation letter from a host).

2. Apply Through a Reliable Consultancy

Applying through a reliable consultancy like Alrehaf International can significantly increase your chances of visa approval. Our team ensures that all your documents are in order and submitted correctly. We stay updated with the latest immigration policies and can provide personalized advice tailored to your situation.

3. Check Visa Requirements and Updates

Visa requirements can change frequently. Always check the latest requirements and updates on the UAE immigration website or consult with your visa service provider. Being aware of any new rules or changes can help you avoid unnecessary delays and ensure a smooth application process.

4. Provide Clear Travel Itinerary

A well-documented travel itinerary, including details of your travel dates, places you plan to visit, and accommodation arrangements, is crucial. This not only helps in demonstrating your plans but also reassures the immigration officers about your visit’s legitimacy.

5. Maintain Sufficient Funds

Ensure that you have sufficient funds in your bank account to cover your trip expenses. Providing a bank statement with adequate balance for the duration of your stay can be a strong supporting document for your application. It reflects your financial stability and capability to manage expenses during your visit.


1. Avoid Incomplete Applications

Incomplete applications are one of the main reasons for visa rejections. Double-check that all required documents are attached, forms are correctly filled, and any additional information requested is provided. Missing out on even a minor detail can lead to delays or denials.

2. Do Not Submit False Information

Submitting false or misleading information can lead to severe consequences, including permanent bans on future travel to the UAE. Always provide accurate and truthful information in your application. Integrity is paramount in the visa process.

3. Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute

Procrastination can be costly. Apply for your visa well in advance of your intended travel date. This allows ample time to address any issues that may arise during the application process and reduces the stress of last-minute arrangements.

4. Avoid Overstaying Your Visa

Respect the duration of your visa and ensure you do not overstay. Overstaying can lead to hefty fines, legal action, and difficulties in obtaining future visas. Plan your travel dates carefully and adhere to the visa’s validity period.

5. Do Not Ignore Follow-up Communications

Stay responsive to any follow-up communications from the visa office. Sometimes, additional documents or clarifications are needed. Promptly responding to these requests can expedite the processing of your visa application.


Obtaining a UAE visit visa can be a seamless experience if you adhere to these do’s and don’ts. At Alrehaf International in Islamabad, we are committed to guiding you through every step of the process. Our expertise ensures that your application is handled professionally, increasing your chances of a successful outcome. Contact us today to start your journey to the UAE with confidence.